By trolling do they mean correcting bias with facts or? All these people who dish out harsh criticism as your essay says but cannot take criticism yourself. If your ideas do not stand on when challenged by free thought what's the point? That's the equivalent of reading Soviet era newspaper. Quite pointless and damaging if anything. Have a nice day

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What I love about Substack, and why I came here, is because it seems easy to read valuable content and ignore comments. People generally come here for a controlled, seemingly curated experience.Over time, I discovered anti-trolling can feed the beast. People can view harsh criticism as negative, which ignites trolling. Short comments are tell-tale sign of trolls, as they use reductionism to justify the knifing. Responding is bad, but the best response, if any, is to ask why. Get a troll to articulate a response, or simply say this is opinionated content, take it or leave it. The psychology is trolls view opinions as an open invitation. They downloaded an app to assault people. They came from another social network that uses videos or short posts which promote pointless content. I'm not sure if letting OPs/Mods nuke or block trolls is a bad thing.

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